The Volleyball team is currently planning out a fundraiser inviting all Klein Cain families to take cars out for a test drive over at Tomball Ford. It will take place in their back parking lot and food and drinks will be available.
“The volleyball program will be putting on a fundraiser at Tomball Ford, October 13, from 9 a.m through 5 p.m,” Assistant Coach Mallory Dumont said.
The Volleyball team will make $20 per test drive, and those who wish to participate must be at least 18-years-old. People can sign up at the Sign Up Genius Website.
“If anyone asks, their information will not be given to anyone as the documents are shredded once everything is processed and they will not be contacted by Tomball Ford unless they ask to be contacted,” Dumont said.
That being said, the Volleyball Dig Pink game will be taking place soon on October 2nd. Those who are planning to attend the game are encouraged to wear pink and support the athletes as they take on Conroe High School.
“Our Volleyball Dig Pink game is coming up on October 2. We will be playing Conroe High School with the Freshman/JV starting at 4:30 p.m and the Varsity will follow the JV game usually starting around 5:30 p.m,” Dumont said. “Please come out and support our ladies and pink out the stands.”