2019 Marching Band Show
The 2019 marching show called “Mood Swing” featured parts from “Bells and Whistles,” “Beetle Juice,” “Black Beauty OST,” and “Augustus Gloop” by Danny Elfman. The Cain Band participated in four competitions during their marching season. In their last competition, which was on Nov. 2, they got a score of 90.7 placings second in class Five A and getting the best color guard and visual during the preliminary round.
“I felt super proud of the entire band,” color guard equipment manager Carmella Valencia said. “To get such a high place with many great bands, it was nice to know all our hard work was acknowledged with our last time of preforming our show.”
This season the Klein Cain Marching Band had a total of around 190 marchers with four soloists.
In order to keep the band together, there has to be drum majors. The Cain Band has four drum majors: Kylie Worrell, Kaden Ixtablan, Matthew Gomez, and Laura Murphy.
How the Competitions are Judged
During each competition, the band gets judged on visual performance, color guard, percussion, music performance, and choreography. Each band has a time limit to get off the field, and for each second the band is past their two minute time limit it hurts their score by .1. However, winning whatever section that they win doesn’t guarantee that they have a spot in finals.
The point score For the Lone Star Preview is as followed.
- 20 points* Music Performance (individual), judged from the field
- 20 points* Music Performance (Ensemble), judged from the stands
- 20 points* Visual Performance (individual), judged from the field
- 20 points* Visual Performance (Ensemble), judged from the stands
- 20 points general effect visual, judged from top of the press box
- 40 points general effect music, judged from top of the press box
“I was honestly shocked being that we are a relatively new band but I was extremely proud of everyone and myself that we were able to achieve such a high score in only our third year,” cymbal player Molly Wilson said.
Where They Competed
During the 2019 season, the band participated in four competitions. Three of them were located at the Woodforest Bank Stadium, and the last one was at Plant Ford Stadium.
October 5: USBands Dekaney-Conroe Showcase (3rd place group V, Best Colorguard)
October 12: Lone Star Preview
October 22: UIL Region 9 Marching Evaluation. (two, ones, one, two)
November 2: REMO Series Finale: Houston USBands (2nd place preliminary group V, Best Visual, Best Colorguard, Finalist, Finals Best ColorGuard, 5th finals)
“I thought this season was very fun and full of life-changing experiences,” mellophone player Mason Pfeffer said. “All my friends in the band have made this season so fun for me and I can’t wait for next season.”
The Hours Put into the Show
Students have been working on the show since August of last summer. Since school has started the band has put a total of 84 hours on the field. They have been to every football game to support the team on their way to playoffs.
“The worst part was having to show up before everyone else and have a full lesson planned for the day’s rehearsal,” pit captain Haley Clark said.
The Last Beat for Some
With Klein Cain having seniors this year means that all the other lower classmates are going to lose their friends that they have had or just meet in their high school journey.
The Cain Band was able to make two performances on Nov. 2. They made fifth in finals with the best color guard in both preliminary and finals. At the end of the competition, some were crying knowing that this was their last competition or their friends’ last competition.
“I have loved the marching band so much this season,” senior Linden Settles said. “It’s been long and tough sometimes but I have enjoyed every second of it. I am going to miss all of the fun I’ve had this season. I am so proud of all the things that we accomplished in our third year as a program and that we are only getting better.”