What is Safe 2 Save
With new phones being released and student parking opened up, there are more ways to get distracted while driving. Teensafe.com reports that 80% of traffic accidents in 2018 were related to distracted driving. A whopping 3,477 deaths on US roads in 2018 were attributed to the same cause according to the site.

With an app called Safe 2 Save, the namesake organization is trying to curb the stream of distracted drivers. Safe 2 Save started in College Station and rapidly spread across Texas, now gaining traction nationwide.
“It utilizes GPS to notice when you are traveling 10mph or faster while in a vehicle and encourages you to put your phone down by flashing a banner on your screen to wait until safe to use your phone,” Jeff Philen, a Klein Cain’s Criminal Justice teacher said.
On to the Competition
All five Klein ISD High Schools criminal justice classes are competing across the month of October to see which high school can sign up the most users and points. The winning school will be announced on Nov. 1, 2019.
Klein Cain’s code is CainHS.
When you register for Cain’s team during the competition, you automatically receive 500 points for joining.
“First and foremost we get bragging rights for most students being aware of the dangers of distracted driving,” Philen said. “Safe 2 Save will award prizes to the campus that wins the contest.”
Where to Use Your Points
The Safe 2 Save App has a point system where every minute you drive hands free and over the speed limit of 10 MPH credits you two points. With the points you earn, you can spend them at restaurants and get free menu items.
“Besides bringing awareness to distracted driving, the app awards people with discounts or free items at some of their favorite places,” Philen said.
While using the app you can still listen to your favorite music and use Google/Apple Maps. We’re on board, and hope you’ll join us in the competition.