A Musical Made for Broadway
This year’s musical, James and the Giant Peach, has managed to attract the attention of many of the students and staff. With the advertisements going around, the musical has been in people’s minds, especially those still eager to watch the performance. It incorporated pretty much every one of the Fine Arts organizations in the school including Band, Orchestra, Choir, and most importantly, Theatre. The ag mechanics class also pitched in with the construction of the set. They’ve all worked countless hours as they’ve tried making their art as perfect as possible.
Everyone should take the opportunity to watch the musical if they haven’t already. It’s one of the most spectacular live performances in the school’s history to date, with an impressive array of props. The musical is great for people of all ages and is a fantastic opportunity to support anyone involved. Furthermore, their amount of time-consuming work put in to achieve their level of talent is made obvious throughout each performance.
The musical starts off with Starlee Brown, playing as Ladahlord, walking down the auditorium right before James’ parents are killed by a rhinoceros. Visitors had gotten hooked since the very beginning, and contentedly stay that way until the very end. There’s never a boring scene, and the acts manage to stay lively with catchy songs and rhythms.
One For the Books
The actors live up to expectations playing each of the characters extraordinarily well. The sisters and insects are just what readers of the novel would expect. They sang tremendously, and undoubtedly, the orchestra sounded like a group of true professionals. Soloists such as cello player Terrin Bourgeois and saxophone player Carson Tucker do a fantastic job performing. Without them, the musical wouldn’t have made it as far as it did.
Everything about the performance is admirable and does not disappoint. The growing talent of the Fine Arts programs is clear throughout every consecutive minute. There’s never an obvious mistake made, and when there is, they do a remarkable job of concealing it.
The final performances are on Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 and 2. It would be great if people could go show support and attend the last shows of this years’ musical. Tickets are only $12 a person, and they can be bought at the Vendini website with the option to reserve seats in the auditorium.